Thursday, September 22, 2011

Why is my cat's hair changing colors? (Is she aging or molting for the weather changes?)?

My cat was an indoor cat but last year when we moved, she became an outdoor cat (because my mom doesn't like pet hair in the house). Over the past year I have seen a change in her coat. She is seal point colored (like a Siamese). Her face, ears, tail, and paws used to be really black but they've changed to a much lighter brown and her brown back has turned almost whitish brown. We live where it is very warm almost year-round. The house was always air conditioned. So my friend's and my theory is that her coat is adjusting to the warm weather and maybe it'll change back as the cold weather arrives. Others think she's getting old. I don't know for sure how old she is. We got her when she was already about two so she's about 7-8 or so now. But cats can live to be 15-20 years if I'm not mistaken. Does anyone else have any experience or knowledge on the subject?Why is my cat%26039;s hair changing colors? (Is she aging or molting for the weather changes?)?
Cats coats do change with the seasons, especially outdoor cats. As long as her skin is not red or itchy and her ears look clean, she is probably fine. If there is evidence of itchy, irritated red skin, it could be allergies. However, it does just sound like that she is adjusting to the new atmosphere. As to the question about age, cats can live to be PRETTY old =] We have cats at my clinic that are 18 and 19 years old, so I doubt that its her age making her fur change.Why is my cat%26039;s hair changing colors? (Is she aging or molting for the weather changes?)?
she's a SIAMESE!!! or siamese-type- if she is seal point. the color change is normal- seal point usually darken with age, some points lighten. she might not be a seal point at all- but a different point. SHE%26quot;S NOT DYING!!! that is ridiculous that someone would say such nonsense!Why is my cat%26039;s hair changing colors? (Is she aging or molting for the weather changes?)?
probably the climate change. warmer weather will cause ur cats fur to change to a lighter color for the cat's comfort.Why is my cat%26039;s hair changing colors? (Is she aging or molting for the weather changes?)?
I wish I knew but my cats are about the same age and haven't change colors. It might be the reason that she is an outdoor cat. The sun light might make her fur lighter. Why is my cat%26039;s hair changing colors? (Is she aging or molting for the weather changes?)?
no idea sorry. i do not know anything really about catsWhy is my cat%26039;s hair changing colors? (Is she aging or molting for the weather changes?)?
she's dieing

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