in the cold of dawn's beautiful and violaceous light.
in anticipation of my genesis, my mother suffered through the night.
at 6 weeks old i was wrested from her by the brutish hominids
who kept us caged up in filthy chicken wire tight. through her tears she told me to be brave and not despair, that someday someone will care and there will always be a light.
thats why when i see you i still wag my tail %26amp;dream of futures bright. of playing catch in the green grass, reveling in the sunlight of golden afternoons. when u took me home from the pet shop, my heart glowed inspirited.
totally oblivious of my fate that would soon befall
how was i to know u would tire of me so soon?
as a starved and misbegotten whelp , i was wandering the streets
in the dying embers of november, i thought of my mother sweet.
she told me someday someone will care and there will always be a light.
that's why when i see u , i still wag my tail and dream of futures bright.
while trying to sprint across the avenue, led by the scent of food, i
i was struck by a speeding car at the change of a traffic light. at that moment everything went black. when i awoke i found my self embraced by warm arms in uniforms of green. as angels of deliverance they took me to a place where i soon learned that not all humans are.mean. dear mother u were right, u told me that someday someone will care and there will always be a light. that's why when i see u i stll wag my tail and dream of futures bright.Can u check out this poem about a dog at a humane shelter ?
Okay..............I'm super tearing up. I just told my hubby I need a moment to recover....
That is amazing, and very heartwarming. I'm at a loss for words.
Thank you. I had to copy it to take to all my doggie groups and friendss.
Whew............still trying to compose myself.Can u check out this poem about a dog at a humane shelter ?
That was very beautiful!
Thanks for sharing, star for you!
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