How do you change a tail light bulb in a car?How to change a burnt out brake light bulb?
you need to declare the car and model to find this out.
Some older cars- take off the lens cap screws and change the bulb.
newer cars- from the trunk.
check the owners manual or just google
%26quot;change brake light 1999 caravan%26quot;How to change a burnt out brake light bulb?
go in the trunk and pull the carpet away from the back of the light...there is usually screws or grommets that you have to pop off and then the bulb slides out. it connects to its socket almost like when you connect a regular cord to an extension cord. the bulb will have the style of bulb that it is. Make sure you get this same kind. If you are really unsure go to an auto parts store and they will help you out.How to change a burnt out brake light bulb?
how about auto zone and maybe they will do it for ya
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